Waxing - Behandlung

77 Artikel gefunden

Atar22 Skin’s No Hair After-Sun Lotion 2er Set 100 ml

Sanfte After-Sun Lotion im praktischen Doppelpack
Verlangsamt das Haarwachstum durch Kreosotbusch-Extrakt
Aktiviert die Reparatur der Hautzellen
Spendet wirksam Feuchtigkeit und wirkt hautberuhigend
Enthält Jojobaöl, Sheabutter und weitere wertvolle Inhaltsstoffe

2x Atar22 Skin’s No Hair After-Sun Lotion 100 ml
23,65 €
118,25 € L
Atar22 Skin’s Ladestation für Wachsheizung / Wax Heater Docking Station
Nur noch wenige Teile verfügbar

Ladestation für Wachsheizung
Mit drei Steckplätzen
In schöner Blumenform
Non-Stop Waxing möglich
Kombinierbar mit der Atar22 Skin’s Wachsheizung

Lieferumfang:1x Atar22 Skin’s Ladestation für Wachsheizung / Wax Heater Docking Station
950,00 €
950,00 € Stk
PINK Cosmetics Aluminiumeinsatz für 800 ml Wachserhitzer

Einsatz für das PINK Cosmetics Erwärmungsgerät 800 ml
Volumen: 800 ml
Aus langlebigem Aluminium
Schnell und einfach einsetz- und wieder herausnehmbar
Unkomplizierte Reinigung

1x PINK Cosmetics Aluminiumeinsatz für 800 ml Wachserhitzer
14,90 €
14,90 € Stk

Waxing: Smooth and Supple Skin for Long-Lasting Results

Historical Background: Waxing has a long history and is a proven method of hair removal that dates back to ancient cultures.

Consultation and Skin Analysis:  Before a waxing treatment, a thorough consultation is conducted to determine the optimal hair removal method for the individual skin type and areas to be treated.

Treatment Options: Waxing can be applied to various body regions, including legs, arms, armpits, bikini area, back, and more.

Treatment Procedure in Detail: Skin Preparation: The skin is cleansed and possibly prepared with talcum powder to remove excess oil and improve wax adhesion. Application of Wax: The warmed wax is applied to the skin in thin layers, against the direction of hair growth. Removal of Wax: The wax is quickly pulled off in the opposite direction of hair growth, removing the hair along with the root. Aftercare: After hair removal, the skin is treated with soothing and nourishing products to minimize irritation.

Duration of Session: The duration of a waxing treatment depends on the area being treated and can vary between 15 minutes to an hour.

Aftercare and Care Recommendations: After waxing, sunbathing, intense physical activities, and tight clothing should be avoided for at least 24 hours to prevent skin irritation.